City Art is the starting place for creative people in the Midlands for the finest quality art supplies. And, we are the leading art supplier for university students and professors, offering one-stop shopping and free parking in front of the store. Our wide selection includes exceptional international brands, competitive prices, and a great range of media including acrylic, oil, watercolor, sculpting, drawing, pastel and drafting.

Acrylics: Golden Fluid, Golden Heavy Body. Golden Open, Golden High Flow, Holbein Heavy Body, Liquitex Heavy Body, Amsterdam, Sennelier Abstract, Golden Mediums, Liquitex Mediums, Deco Art Americana.
Watercolors: Holbein, M. Graham, Daniel Smith, Winsor & Newton, Cotman, Koi sets, QoR Set and more.
Gouache: Holbein Artist Gouache, Holbein Acryla Gouache, Caran D'ache sets.
Oi Paint: Holbein Artist Oil, Sennelier, Williamsburg, M. Graham, Gamblin, Holbein Duo, Winsor & Newton, Gamblin 1980, R&F Pigment Sticks.
Drawing: Creatacolor, General Pencil, Faber Castell, Prismacolor, Rembrandt, Sharpie, Winsor & Newton Marker, Stablio, Sharpeners, Erasers.
Paper, Pads & Blocks: Strathmore, Canson, Arches, Stonehenge, Rives, Fluid, Art Alternatives, Decorative, Fabriano, Mi-Teintes, Yupo, Sanded Pastel Paper, Duralar, Matboard, Foamcore, Museum Board, Tracing Paper, Bristol, Watercolor Paper.
Canvas: Art Alternatives, Fredrix, Winsor & Newton, Stretched Canvas, Unprimed, Panels.
Accessories: Palettes, Brush Cleaners, Brush Soap, Brush Carriers, Color Shapers, Pottery Tools, Etching Needles, Woodcarving Sets, Linoleum and Cutters, Block Printing Ink, Screen Ink, Brayers, Easels, Paint Boxes, Artbin, Portfolios, Wood Panels, Ampersand Panels.
Brushes for Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor: Princeton, Royal Brush Zen, Simply Simmons, Winsor & Newton, Da Vinci